Sunday, February 16, 2003


What Drink Are You?
What Drink Are You?

Yo. Nothing like the real thing, eh? ^_~

Summer vacation is still a loooong way to go...but I can already smell it in the air. Hehehe. Maybe it's because on Feb. 20-27...we don't have classes! Hurrah!!! *throws confetti in the air* Thank God for deliberation week! ^_^ I still have two more years to go before I take my thesis in advertising. Mwahahaha! Darn that ADPRAC project, we conducted a survey for 150 people. And most of them are total snobs, even if you asked them very nicely. *grumble* We almost didn't meet the required number of answered questionaires, but it all turned out good.

I wasn't able to resist the urge to buy Eraserheads' Cutterpillow album like the one Wowie has, I am listening to it now. ^_^ I wanted to buy Circus as well but they don't have any in stock. (Awwwwww) I'm planning to scourge other record stores for it since it's a really good album as well. I also plan to buy The Cranberries' first and second album before they turn into hard-to-find ones. I have tapes but they're already worn out from being played so often. ^_^ Oh yeah, Alisha's Attic's first album as well...a spanking good one. *pauses for a while* Wait a minute, I still have that plate I have to finish off with watercolor! And it's due tomorrow! Auggh! What will become of me??!? *sets off to finish project*