Background Music: Rurouni Kenshin OST II
Yo, people with new layouts! ^_^
There was a blackout a while ago about 11:00 p.m., and asI was chatting on the phone with Sakura-chan, my eyes strayed out the window to the sky and I was taken aback by the number of stars and the way they shone brightly through the darkness. Then I realized that it's been a long time since I took time to just lean out the window and gaze at the stars like that. I'll keep in mind to that more often now, since it calms me in a way and makes me momentarily forget my problems. *sigh*
Happy days are here again! I'm sure Karen-chan *nudge nudge* agrees with me there! Not only does Rurouni Kenshin has back to back episodes and that AXN replays each episode three times a day...what we're really happy about is it's Shishio saga once again! Probably one of the longest and probably the best saga in the RK series! I especially loved the two episodes a while ago which is the unforgettable Saito Hajime (Gatotsu, Aku Soku Zan!) and Kenshin Himura turned Battousai the Slasher (Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu) fight! Waaaii! I get goosebumps watching those two episodes! And the eyes! You just gotta love Battousai's murderous glare! *swoons* The Shishio saga probably has the best fights in RK history, ever! I can't wait for Seijuro Hiko to make his appearance! Kakkoi! And of course, Aoshi-sama and Kenshin's fight as well. @_@
Watched RAVE before RK, and it was about the heroic and very cute Plue-sama. Hehehe. Goodness, I laughed throughout the whole episode since it included many weird characters such as the pudding army, and Griff's three disciples. Mwehehehe.

You must like the strong and silent type.
The very silent type.
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