Nyahahahaha! I get to blog again! Mwehehehehe! I'm so happy, with lots of anime to watch these days. And yes, I'm also slowly getting hooked on Meteor Garden. Hehehe. ^_^ There're a lot of good shows showing on different channels at the same time, It makes you dizzy trying to switch channels every commercial break. ^_^ *yare yare*
Gahk! Rose, na bago na naman URL! Hehe, yosh, no prob. ^_^ Hai, hai, nobody could ever be nastier than those damned Booty Shakers! Nyahahaha! I almost wrinkled up my nose as I watched them perform their secret killer technique! Totally grossed me out. RAVE sure has a lot of weird characters in it. Hehehe. ^_^ Oh goody, nastier and more cool-looking opponents in RAVE! That blond-haired devil is kinda cool and the Oracion Seis are alive. *smirk* It's too bad RAVE always leaves you hanging by the end of the episode. Aaarggh! I can't wait til tomorrow! @_@
I'm totally in a Rurouni Kenshin phase right now, and I'm loving every minute of the one-hour-a-day showing of RK in AXN. I get goosebumps everytime I hear Kenshin's famous battle cry, there never comes a time when I don't think Saito is the coolest Shinsengumi around, and I squeal like mad whenever Aoshi makes an appearance. KAKKOI KENSAN! KAKKOI SAITO! KAKKOI AOSHI-SAMA!!! I think the current schedule is great since I get to watch the whole Shishio saga before school starts. Cheers!
Yo to Karen-chan who was totally taken by the last two episodes of Furuba. Yay! See you on Friday, with Wowie again, hopefully! BTW, thanks again for lending me your Tenkuu no Escaflowne VCDs! It gave me a chance to glimpse at Folken-sama and Allen once again... *swoons*
Got this off Faust's blog. Faust got the super cool Mistah K...I'm kinda envious. Heh. Hnn...answered this test as honestly as I possibly could. ^_^

People don't often understand you - on one side,
you like dressing up in animal clothes and maintaining the mentality of a seven year old.
On another side, you can be serious when you want to, and you can give fairly
good advice - but playing with your kumagorou is much more fun!
Which Gravitation Character Are You?
Nani? Sakuma-san and I are alike?!? Hehehe. I guess. I'm never mature enough for my age. Gawd, I'm turning 20 this August and I still play with plushies and act like a twelve year old kid sometimes. Heh. I honestly don't know if I should consider that as a good or bad sign... ^_^
Lots of huggles to Anima, Firewoman, Glaiza, and Crimson and Sakusaku who have a brand new, spanking layout!
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