KAWAII!!! The chibi Rave barkada...even the infamous Booty Shakers are here! Nyehehehe.
Wah! T_T Musica-san! Don't die! That was quite a blow he got from Reina. I wish Musica-san survives. Goodness, bitin! T_T Oh yeah, Let was kakkoi-looking as a human. Hmmm...I don't know which I like best, the half-dragon Let or the human-form Let. Ahhh...both are cool. ^_^
Heh. Crimson: ANO, TUMAYO ANG DRAGON NI MAO?!? :D :D :D (rolls around laughing) Nyahahahaha! Syet, bentang-benta sa ken yon. Mwehehehehe. Read that a few days ago but when I visited your blog and read it again, it still cracked me up. Heh. *green-minded* Been watching Cooking Master Boy in ABS-CBN since my beloved Fei-san's been making an appearance again. Eeeeeeeee! Papa Fei! *swoons* Waiii! Crimson! Hope to bump into you this coming school year! ^_^ Wheee, watched Shaman King yesterday! Yay, a new anime series to watch! Nyahahahahaha! As expected, Sakura-chan liked Yoh and I on the other hand thought Amidamaru was a very cool-looking, bishielicious samurai. *drools*
Wowie, Karen wasn't able to come last time. *sniff* Oh well, we still have lots of time to have a get-together again, ne? ^_^
Matrix. Shucks. I'm always reminded of it everytime I go to Femme's blog. I was in a trance while watching the full trailer when we watched X2 last time. Syet! It looks much much better than the first one and Keanu cooler and more drool-worthy than before. *swoons*
Got this from the blog of fellow tensai fan Wowie. ^_^

Are you Dr. T himself??? You know your SD! I'd give
you... hmmm, say 99%. ^_^; (Pardon me, but I
get the 100% for creating this test in the
first place.)
The Slam Dunk I.Q. Test
brought to you by Quizilla
Yay! Perfect! Well...minus 1%. How I wish I could get a grade like this in ADPRAC. *sigh* ^_^
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