Wai...saw two butterflies the other day. I saw one as I was walking down Aurora Blvd. on the way to school. It fascinated me cause it seemed like it was asking me to follow it as it flies ahead, perching atop several jeepneys then ambling off again, continuing forward. The other one was in school, which suddenly appeared in front of me and my friends and hovered for a while before resting atop a nearby plant. It had black wings with speckles of white and blue on it. :3 *sigh* It's kinda nice seeing those two butterflies since most of the time I tend to forget that these wonderful creatures exist since I'm usually caught up in my own world and am already used to the days dragging by without nothing special happening whatsoever. *yawn* I sure hope to see more butterflies from now on...for they will sure put a smile upon my lips. ^_^

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