*sob* I've just realized how many TV shows I'll be missing starting next week! Shaman King! *sob* Vandread! *double sob* The wonderful Rurouni Kenshin! *triple sob* And not to mention Meteor Garden! *sobs uncontrollably* And it's all because of my stupid new schedule for this semester. I have classes from Monday to Friday and almost all of them start from 11 a.m. in the morning until 9 p.m.! Goodness, I also wouldn't be able to watch Alias and Smallville at this rate! Aaaarrrggghhh! *pulls at hair* Where had all the good times gone?!?
*ehem* Nyeh. Sobra na ata sa page-emote yun. There, I'm done now. Nyahahaha! ^_^ Looks like I have to resort to buying anime VCDs yet again to watch my beloved anime. Nyak Rose, you mean you've been going to school since May 19? *shock* Aaahhh...yes...those rainy days when we had nothing else better to do but lie in bed and sleep all day... *blissful sigh* Heh. *naiinggit* Nyahahaha! Just kidding! *waves peace sign banner* ^_^ Hay, I feel the same way about RAVE, I miss the series very much, and to think there aren't many RAVE sites out there. Tsk, tsk...Musica-san, Sieghart...mishu po! Uy, fellow blogmates...dahil pasukan na naman...hope to bump into some of you this sem. Aka-chan....arigatou! *bows down* Hope you get to fix your problem regarding the infuriating imposter soon. ^_^
Wai! Heard from Wowie that CLAMP's made a pseudo-sequel for Card Captor Sakura entitled Tsubasa. Although it still contains most of the main characters of the original manga...Li Syaoran will pose as the protagonist of the story. Sakura and Li are older here...about 14 to 15 years old of age. And in this manga Sakura is a princess and Touya is the King of Clow(?). Hmmm...seems like it'll take a while for me to get used to the totally different plot of this manga. ^_^

You are the cutest thing ever!
Overlooking the fact that you aren't
human, you are a great friend. Loyal and
always good for a smile, your friends
look forward to having you around.
No one can resist your charm. Aside from
all this, you know that people like having
you around and use it to get the things
you want. You're not evil, you just want to be
pampered like every other dog in existence.
Which Kare Kano Character are you?
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Egads! I'm not even human! Mwehehe. Kawaii though.
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