Hey there! I'm in an internet cafe near our school...killing some time before my 6 o'clock class. Goodness, it's raining outside and I don't have an umbrella. How the heck am I supposed to reach our building and not be soaked to the bone? *theme from mission impossible plays in the background* Hahaha. Of course a little rain never hurt anybody, right? ^_^ I have to improvise somehow...
Gah! *checks the time* I only have five minutes left in my internet account. Ja, minna. Before I forget, got this from Keaxy's bloggie.

Guidance may be suggested. Some of your writings may not be suitable for some people. Explicit sex and talk of drug use is basically absent; nudity, if present, is shown in a non-sexual way or isnt full nudity, horror and violence does not exceed moderate levels in your writings.
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