Shoot. I can't sleep again. Huge eyebags have been forming under my eyes.

Which Ringwraith are You?
By Lisa
Shoot. I can't sleep again. Huge eyebags have been forming under my eyes.
Gawd, how gorgeous can Momiji get? The moment I saw this episode I fell in love with him.
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday Len ni Elijah....Happy Birthday to you!!! Mwahahaha! Pissed-off already, eh, Len? Ok lang naman, kyut ka pa ren kase birthday mo naman ngayon. Oh well, matatapos na pala, 40 minutes till 12 o'clock na. ^_^ Peace.
Augh. My body's aching since yesterday from our football game in P.E. Every step is agony. Imagine my classroom was located on the 4th floor of our building. Going up the stairs a while ago was no easy feat. If only students were allowed to take the elevator. *grumble* I've been finishing Bust-A-Move 1 & 2 again. Nothing special. Just missed playing that game. ^_^ Red and I had fun choosing the same character and then copying each other's moves perfectly so that it will result in a draw. Well, we had to repeat about 20 times per character since both of us kept getting was fun. ^_^
Oh crap. I totally suck in using chalk pastels, and I botched up my plate in Drawing from Life because we were required to use that damn medium. Curious, our prelims in History of Art. It is a lecture subject but we were told to bring art materials for our prelims. (?) I wonder what our professor is cooking up this time to make our already miserable lives even more miserable.
Well, I watched Try Seventeen starring Elijah Wood with the cute Len last Saturday. I cannot count the times that she said "Elijah, ang gwapo mo!" ("Elijah, you look so gorgeous!") Nyehehehe. I couldn't help but grin each time. ^^
Soooo, Wowie went to our house today, and she taught me a little about html. Heh. Arigato gozaimasu! I'll probably change my blog's layout the next time I connect to the internet. Goodness, I still have a lot to learn though. I don't have patience for these kind of things. Oh yeah, after prelims, I'll have enough time to design the layout for the Mitchan fanlisting. (Yatta!) As in Yattanime! Heh, I just had the sudden urge to plug! ^_^ Speaking of plugging, The Redhead Tensai has a new and hopefully permanent layout! We're up to 20 members! Yosh!
Wowie dropped a lot of bombshells on me last Monday. Mostly about Furuba's seiyuus. First was Kyou's seiyuu being the same with Chichiri's. (no da!) Second was Yuki's seiyuu. Who was also Kero-chan's and Ami Mizuno's. (Waii! Keeki keeki!) Next was Hatori-san's, who was the same with Yuuto from X. *swoon* The last bombshell was Shigure-san's seiyuu. She took her sweet time making me suffer with suspense. Then she said it. Shigure's seiyuu was Jinnai from El Hazard's as well. Dang! o.O That maniacal laugh?!? That bizzarre character?!? It was a touch of sudden turn-off. Then she said something that changed my turn-off to super turn-on. He was Mitsui's seiyuu also. @_@ Nani?!? Mitchan's handsome voice was provided by the same person? Whoa! Sugoi! These people are very talented and very versatile, I can't help but worship them. *bows down and lays hands on the ground* As talented and versatile as Sakuragi-kun and Trunks' seiyuu. Well, maybe even more so. ^_^
While searching for prospect layouts, I ran over some nice quizzes.
Take the What website are you? quiz @
Take the What layout are you? quiz @
Before I forget, I promised Len the links to these quizzes...^_^ Here you go kyut!
My elven name is Vardalainiel. Nice. ^_^ Though I kinda like my Orkish name: Snikshásh the Choker. Mwahaha. Sounds murderous. Find out your elven, hobbit, dwarven and orkish name from barrowdowns.
Whoa, I've noticed that I've been taking a lot of quizzes lately. Looks like I'm totally hooked on them. Hopelessly addicted. ^_^
Yo. I finished watching X the series last Tuesday and it was totally great. The animation was very clean though the dubbing wasn't quite right. Anyway, I'm currently obsessed with Arashi/Sorata pairing. ^_^ Hehehe. Wowie and I squealed like pigs as we watched the episode when Arashi finally confessed her love for Sorata-kun. Gomen to Red kyut who was trying to watch silently! Aaargh! Red doesn't have classes tomorrow! I'm totally envious of him! Waaah! Me have to go to school at seven in the morning tomorrow! T_T And the first subject is Theology. Bah. Gotta get some pillows ready for tomorrow. ^^ I barely went through my ADPRAC exam last Monday. The professor getting totally pissed with us before the test didn't help either. We were quite noisy when he started throwing things around and threatened the class and everything. Of course that put a lot of pressure on us during the exam and I almost forgot the things I studied the night before. The test itself was torture! Dammit. Oh, how I pray to God I pass that darn exam.
You're A Neko (Cat)! Meow! You love acting like a cat, because you ARE part cat! How did this come to be? I have no idea! But yay for you! You're playful and happy. You love being spoiled and pampered, but you have a vicious side too.
What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
Kawaii ne? ^^
Wehehehe! I have an exam in Advertising Practice tomorrow morning, and I just found out a little while ago. Hehehe! In a sing-song voice: "Cramming days are here again!" Nyahahaha! I resolve to study hard and not fail that subject!!! Even if the professor is such a pain in the neck. Grrrrr...I wish he'd disappear on the face of the earth! Mwahahahaha! *e-hem* Soooo, I'm now officially the owner of two boysluts. *grin* Got the link from Keax. ^__^ These two are totally drool-worthy!
Finally bought the complete series of Fruits Basket!!! Waaah! Even I can't believe it! It's just too good to be true! Tears of joy are now flowing freely down my face... T_T Waiiii!!! Hehehe. In due time I would be able to watch them all. How I wish I could now, demo, prelims aren't over yet. *sigh* Anyway, I love our prelims since most of them are plates and not written examinations. ^__^ I promised myself I'll strive hard to have better grades this semester...compared to last sem. *sweatdrop* I would want to watch the Japanese version of The Ring sometime this month. Something about that movie gives me the shivers just hearing the title. My niece said the website was totally cool and creepy though I haven't mustered up the courage to visit. Maybe next time, when there are lots of people around and the room is brightly lit...wehehehe.
Which Kid's TV Character are You? Find out!
Which Disney Princess are You? Find out!
Waiii! Kawaii tests! ^_^
In our football class a while ago, we played cat and mouse. ^^ Hehehe. Basically the purpose of the game is to chase each other around. One is "it" or the "cat" and one will be the "mouse". So, the cat will chase the mouse around the circle until the mouse finds a hiding place and the cat will have to chase another mouse. Wehehehe. It was kinda fun especially now that we are in college and haven't got time to play such games. Our prof was right in saying that you'll know a person better in one hour of playing than a whole day of dating. Don't you agree, ne? It brings back old childhood memories. Hehe, feeling mature. The truth is I still think and act like a child most of the time. I miss the times when we can run around and frolic with each other. Not that we can't do that now. It will look weird. Heh. Still I miss my old gradeschool days. Lots of fond memories...well, tainted with bitter ones...*sigh* Enough reminiscing. T_T My past is catching up with me.
Changed from chatterbox to tag board since chatterbox has been experiencing some problems and people can't post their messages at my site. Quite annoying so....there! ^_^ And...tag board's more convenient to have around since when you post new messages, only the board and not the whole page will have to refresh. Yeah, more plugging!
I didn't sleep last Sunday and boy, did I look and feel horrible the whole day after that. I had huge eyebags and was cranky all day. I even felt like dying because my head kept aching all the time and my body was totally weak. My classmate even told me I looked like I have a fever. I'm okay now, hehehe. I'll never do such a thing ever again. I think it was worth it anyway because I was able to pass my entry for the poster-making contest with time to spare and I was satisfied with the outcome. The moment I arrived home, I headed for my room and got the rest and sleep I needed. I even slept the whole day today since I don't have classes. I didn't wake up until 1 in the afternoon. Fortunately tomorrow, my class won't be until 1:00 pm so I won't have to wake up early. I also don't have any assignments due for the whole week. Aaahh....everything's looking great, I can't help but smile. ^_^ Oh yeah, Wowie and I will head for Quiapo this Thursday to check if the store that sells the anime CDs is back already. Hehehe. There's no harm in trying.
Which anime villain am I? Akito. Hehe, definitely evil. Unfortunately I just checked and I think the link to this test is broken. T_T
As I was going home from school a while ago, I saw a group of kids throwing pieces of gravel at each other. *gasp* Tsk, tsk. I'm quite alarmed at the growing rate of violence these days.... Also on the way home, the taxi I'm riding was playing "S2pid Luv" over and over again. Gak! I almost jumped out of the vehicle just to escape that horrible, horrible song. Goodness, if only I could fold my ears like Sakuragi does. Hehehe. Anyhoo, my class is currently constructing a website. Yay! It would be nice, with class pics, skeds, profiles of the class and other thingies. Kewl. The URL is: It's still under construction though. Hopefully it'll be done real soon. ^_^ Len kyut invited me to watch The Two Towers tomorrow...unfortunately I already have an engagement I have to attend. *sigh* Mind you, I'm not in it for the story, which according to Wowie matches only 10% of what really happened in the book. Gawd, talk about murder. It brings back the memories of how horrible they portrayed Queen of the Damned as a movie. I totally loved the story of the book and totally fell in love with the characters. At first, I couldn't wait to see the film and was also kind of interested with Aaliyah playing Queen Akasha and all. The moment I did see it though, I almost turned murderous. Marius wasn't Lestat's maker! It was Magnus! AND, Marius was tall and handsome with long, flowing blonde hair. He wasn't some short, gay-looking, raven-haired, semi-bald....creature! Where was the sensitive Louis and the lovely Gabrielle? I could go on and on listing the things they changed from the was THAT bad. I was like, "Aaaargh! It didn't happen like THAT! What have you done to Queen of the Damned?!? You bunch of #%$!*" Heh, enough with my ranting. So in a way, I can sort of relate to those people who were terribly disappointed when they watched LOTR Two Towers after they have read the book. ^^ Hehe, I'm only in it for Legolas. Hyuk, hyuk. I'm planning to have an anime marathon tonight. First Slam Dunk then Rurouni Kenshin. After that is Dragon Ball Z. *huggles Trunks plushie* ^_^ Heps, gotta get the soda and popcorn ready... Ja! ^_~
You're Omi. |
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Which member of Weiß are *you*? Take the quiz! |
BTW, Belated Happy Birthday to Raine kyut! Luv ya! *huggles*
In my Advertising Design subject, we are required to enter a poster-making contest. Hah! As if we haven't got enough projects already! If you don't submit an entry, you'll get a failing grade. Bah, talk about blackmail. -_- Here I am listening to Gin Blossoms and copying the periodic table for my bro, manually. Up to the atomic mass and electron configuration thingy of the elements. Hehehe. This will take some time...
Waaahhh. I know I haven't been blogging since last weekend. It was because my internet card account ran out... *sigh* I'd better buy a new one later. School started last Monday, (double argh!) and here I am wasting away in the internet cafe while waiting for my next class to start. I hate school! Well, one bright side to having classes again is my allowance. (Hurrah!) Yes, my dear friends, I don't receive allowance during vacations which is totally frustrating. I'm thinking of looking for a job this summer so I have money to spend for my personal needs. ^^ Watched Dekada '70 last Saturday, which was kind of good. ^^ I sort of enjoyed watching it. Slept 5 in the morning a while ago because I spent all night finishing my assignments. Nyahahaha! This is becoming a very bad habit of mine. I think it's in my genes already... I've been thinking of putting up a Mitsui Fanlisting. Hehehe. I noticed there aren't many around, if not none... Waiii!!! Bought a Kero-chan stuffed toy last Sunday. It's so KAWAII! *hugs plushie* I've been planning to buy one ever since, and I've finally bought it after months of saving! Yay! Luv ya, Kero-chan!
You are a POINT GUARD. You belong with the company of Maki, Fujima, Sendoh and Miyagi. Your talents are very much needed to hold the team together otherwise you lose.
What SD position suits you best?
brought to you by Quizilla
Ahhh....Fujima! *swoons yet again*
Augh! My brother slashed my right index finger last night. It was accidental, but it wouldn't stop bleeding and was kinda deep. I have to remind myself not to keep my swiss knife lying around the house again. Good thing it was my right hand and not my left or else I would have murdered him. Hahaha, I need my left hand to finish my pile of projects that I haven't done yet. ^^ I guess I work better under pressure so I keep on procrastinating like this...