Monday, May 19, 2003



KAWAII!!! The chibi Rave barkada...even the infamous Booty Shakers are here! Nyehehehe.

Wah! T_T Musica-san! Don't die! That was quite a blow he got from Reina. I wish Musica-san survives. Goodness, bitin! T_T Oh yeah, Let was kakkoi-looking as a human. Hmmm...I don't know which I like best, the half-dragon Let or the human-form Let. Ahhh...both are cool. ^_^

Heh. Crimson: ANO, TUMAYO ANG DRAGON NI MAO?!? :D :D :D (rolls around laughing) Nyahahahaha! Syet, bentang-benta sa ken yon. Mwehehehehe. Read that a few days ago but when I visited your blog and read it again, it still cracked me up. Heh. *green-minded* Been watching Cooking Master Boy in ABS-CBN since my beloved Fei-san's been making an appearance again. Eeeeeeeee! Papa Fei! *swoons* Waiii! Crimson! Hope to bump into you this coming school year! ^_^ Wheee, watched Shaman King yesterday! Yay, a new anime series to watch! Nyahahahahaha! As expected, Sakura-chan liked Yoh and I on the other hand thought Amidamaru was a very cool-looking, bishielicious samurai. *drools*

Wowie, Karen wasn't able to come last time. *sniff* Oh well, we still have lots of time to have a get-together again, ne? ^_^

Matrix. Shucks. I'm always reminded of it everytime I go to Femme's blog. I was in a trance while watching the full trailer when we watched X2 last time. Syet! It looks much much better than the first one and Keanu cooler and more drool-worthy than before. *swoons*

Got this from the blog of fellow tensai fan Wowie. ^_^

Uh-oh! Dr. T's tutoring Sakuragi right now!
Are you Dr. T himself??? You know your SD! I'd give
you... hmmm, say 99%. ^_^; (Pardon me, but I
get the 100% for creating this test in the
first place.)

The Slam Dunk I.Q. Test
brought to you by Quizilla

Yay! Perfect! Well...minus 1%. How I wish I could get a grade like this in ADPRAC. *sigh* ^_^

Wednesday, May 14, 2003


Burn, Kyoto, BURN! *maniacal laugh*

Nyahahahaha! I get to blog again! Mwehehehehe! I'm so happy, with lots of anime to watch these days. And yes, I'm also slowly getting hooked on Meteor Garden. Hehehe. ^_^ There're a lot of good shows showing on different channels at the same time, It makes you dizzy trying to switch channels every commercial break. ^_^ *yare yare*

Gahk! Rose, na bago na naman URL! Hehe, yosh, no prob. ^_^ Hai, hai, nobody could ever be nastier than those damned Booty Shakers! Nyahahaha! I almost wrinkled up my nose as I watched them perform their secret killer technique! Totally grossed me out. RAVE sure has a lot of weird characters in it. Hehehe. ^_^ Oh goody, nastier and more cool-looking opponents in RAVE! That blond-haired devil is kinda cool and the Oracion Seis are alive. *smirk* It's too bad RAVE always leaves you hanging by the end of the episode. Aaarggh! I can't wait til tomorrow! @_@

I'm totally in a Rurouni Kenshin phase right now, and I'm loving every minute of the one-hour-a-day showing of RK in AXN. I get goosebumps everytime I hear Kenshin's famous battle cry, there never comes a time when I don't think Saito is the coolest Shinsengumi around, and I squeal like mad whenever Aoshi makes an appearance. KAKKOI KENSAN! KAKKOI SAITO! KAKKOI AOSHI-SAMA!!! I think the current schedule is great since I get to watch the whole Shishio saga before school starts. Cheers!

Yo to Karen-chan who was totally taken by the last two episodes of Furuba. Yay! See you on Friday, with Wowie again, hopefully! BTW, thanks again for lending me your Tenkuu no Escaflowne VCDs! It gave me a chance to glimpse at Folken-sama and Allen once again... *swoons*

Got this off Faust's blog. Faust got the super cool Mistah K...I'm kinda envious. Heh. Hnn...answered this test as honestly as I possibly could. ^_^

People don't often understand you - on one side,
you like dressing up in animal clothes and maintaining the mentality of a seven year old.
On another side, you can be serious when you want to, and you can give fairly
good advice - but playing with your kumagorou is much more fun!

Which Gravitation Character Are You?

Nani? Sakuma-san and I are alike?!? Hehehe. I guess. I'm never mature enough for my age. Gawd, I'm turning 20 this August and I still play with plushies and act like a twelve year old kid sometimes. Heh. I honestly don't know if I should consider that as a good or bad sign... ^_^

Lots of huggles to Anima, Firewoman, Glaiza, and Crimson and Sakusaku who have a brand new, spanking layout!

Wednesday, May 07, 2003


Background Music: Rurouni Kenshin OST II

Yo, people with new layouts! ^_^

There was a blackout a while ago about 11:00 p.m., and asI was chatting on the phone with Sakura-chan, my eyes strayed out the window to the sky and I was taken aback by the number of stars and the way they shone brightly through the darkness. Then I realized that it's been a long time since I took time to just lean out the window and gaze at the stars like that. I'll keep in mind to that more often now, since it calms me in a way and makes me momentarily forget my problems. *sigh*

Happy days are here again! I'm sure Karen-chan *nudge nudge* agrees with me there! Not only does Rurouni Kenshin has back to back episodes and that AXN replays each episode three times a day...what we're really happy about is it's Shishio saga once again! Probably one of the longest and probably the best saga in the RK series! I especially loved the two episodes a while ago which is the unforgettable Saito Hajime (Gatotsu, Aku Soku Zan!) and Kenshin Himura turned Battousai the Slasher (Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu) fight! Waaaii! I get goosebumps watching those two episodes! And the eyes! You just gotta love Battousai's murderous glare! *swoons* The Shishio saga probably has the best fights in RK history, ever! I can't wait for Seijuro Hiko to make his appearance! Kakkoi! And of course, Aoshi-sama and Kenshin's fight as well. @_@

Watched RAVE before RK, and it was about the heroic and very cute Plue-sama. Hehehe. Goodness, I laughed throughout the whole episode since it included many weird characters such as the pudding army, and Griff's three disciples. Mwehehehe.

Which RK man suits you best?


You must like the strong and silent type.

The very silent type.

Saturday, May 03, 2003


KAKKOI! Mwahahaha! Watched X2 with Sakura a while ago. As expected, Wolverine was cool as always, and Cyclops still is a hunk! Nyahahahaha! Waii...I never expected the sequel to be this good. I especially loved the fight scene of Deathstrike and Wolvie and also the scene when Nightcrawler first appeared. Wheee! I liked the teleportation effect! Just like in the comicbooks! ^_^ Red also loved the movie, since Nightcrawler is his favorite character. Yay! Yo Rose, I also found Logan very sexy in the scene where he was nekkid! Mwehehehe. Too bad it did not last for long. *grin* Oh yeah, I saw the full trailer of Matrix Reloaded and was totally blown away! It looks better than the first movie and Neo looked way cooler now. Waiii!!! I can't wait! I definitely musn't miss seeing it! ^_^

While I was in the mall, I took the opportunity to buy the X OAV, Omen! It is mostly centered on Kakyou and his visions, but all in all it's just a summary of the whole series. Definitely for Kakyou lovers, but it's kind of disappointing that the OAV lasted for only 20 or so minutes. ^_^ I also bought Gravitation VCDs, *ehe* just can't get enough of Ryuiichi-kun! Darn this phase!

Hmmm...I've been thinking of changing my layout before school starts. Heh. Lestat comes to mind...and his mesmerizing blue eyes...*drifts off*

Which DBZ Attack Are You?
Ah, the basic.
You're simple, but you have unlimited potential.
You get along with everyone, but only few can bring out the very best in you.
Which DBZ Attack Are You?

*suddenly realizes something* Gak! I'm in for it now...I still have to meet the deadline for the opening of the new Yattanime! site...*sighs* I've got to get to work now. Ja!

Friday, May 02, 2003


I knew it! Plue was that strong! Hehehe. It wears off quickly though...but he's still cute as ever. ^_^ RAVE today was so dramatic eh. The everlasting bond of friendship...*sigh*

BTW, since Gensomaden Saiyuki is over...AXN will be showing two episodes of Rurouni Kenshin each day! Walang sawaan 'to! I'll never get tired of watching RK, no matter how many times I've seen it.

Karen-chan and Wowie was here last Tuesday and I swapped my X the Series and Fruits Basket VCDs for Karen's Tenkuu no Escaflowne. Waaiii! I finally got to hear the wonderful voices of Van Fanel and Allen Schezar! I only got to watch the English version before it's kind of a refreshing change to hear the original seiyuus of the characters.

Wowie! You shouldn't have let me watch Gravitation! Two words: BISHIE OVERLOAD. That series gave meaning to the expression wall to wall bishies! Or something like that... ^_^ Waaahh! My Shi-chan phase is over and now I'm officially drooling over Sakuma Ryuuichi-kun! That handsome lead vocalist of Nittle Grasper! ^_^ How can someone be so kawaii one moment and totally drop-dead gorgeous the next?!? Aaaugh! Heh. The 31 year old who acts like a 5 year old and always carries around an ickle, pink rabbit plushie. Many may think it weird, but I find it adorable! SAKUMA-SAN KAKKOI!!! KUMAGORO KAWAII!!!

*drool*Ryuichi with his trusty sidekick, Kumagoro

Absolutely kawaii!Bishielicious, with matching sexy voice!

Kawaii, ne? ^_^ Mwehehehe! BTW, The Redhead Tensai fanlisting has a new, spiffier looking layout! Waaahh! You go, kyut! You're right, Hanamichi's totally glompable in all those pics! ^_^