Yesterday was my dear friend Gelay's birthday. Soooo.... ~BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY GELS!~ How I miss you guys...la bang blow-out? Nyehehehe. ^_^ *hugs* And then, last August 22 was Karen-chan's bday. I've gone missing from the blogging world for almost a month now so I'm truly sorry for not greeting you then. ~BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAREN!~ *hugs tight* Thanks for inviting us over and thank you for the mouth-watering BBQ and the lovely, lovely chocolate cake. *smacks lips* Hehehe.
Wai, wai. Gazed at the planet Mars a while ago. It was such a pretty sight. From an ordinary pair of binoculars it looked like a very big star with reddish streaks around it. From a very strong pair of binoculars it looked like a big white blob that moved all over the place. I like the smaller view better because of the red streaks. ^^ Heh. I still can't believe it hasn't been this close the Earth since 57, 617 B.C. o_O Fascinating. I took this one chance to look at it since I sure won't be hanging around these parts of the Earth by the year 2287. Hehehe.
Ureshii desu! Watched Finding Nemo with Sakura-chan last weekend with her onee-chan. I think I laughed throughout the whole movie, it was that funny. ^^ My fave character's the ickle and kawaii Squirt, the baby sea turtle. And pretty much the whole sea turtle population in the movie. (Totally) I can't wait for the DVD version to come out so I can watch it again...and again...and again. ^_^
I have watched loads of anime these past few weeks, borrowed Sakura-chan's Yami No Matsuei and fell in love with Tsuzuki-san...*swoons* Especially his lovely purple eyes. Nevermind that it's yaoi and that the whole series is full of angst, the anime's throng of bishielicious men more than makes up for it...*drools* and the art is also really good, BTW. :3 Bought the whole Chobits series from Quiapo since I have been curious as to what it's really like. All I can say is: Chii-san! Sumomo! Kotoko! DAISUKI DESU!!! *shonk!*-->huggles. ^^ Hmm...I also have Sakura's Tokyo Babylon VCDs with me, but I haven't got the time to watch it yet. Subaru's a total bishie here, ne Sakura? I don't know who looks or acts more feminine, Hokuto or Subaru...LOL. Heps, just kidding! Don't kill me yet. ^^
Pluggage: I absolutely love your new layout Wowie kyut! (Link from Zelda) Wai!!!! Ne, ne, I'm next in line for Matthew's Angelic Layer, okei? ^^ *hugs* Nysa-chan! Omedetou on moving! Nyehehehe. As always, nice layout. ^^ Chuck! Eventhough it's almost been a week since your return...I still want to say...welcome back to the blogging world! Nyehehehe. ^^
It's been a while since I took 'em quizzes...so here's a couple of kakkoi ones. ^^

I am a Dragon of Heaven, what are you?
Which Dragon are you?
Take other quizzes at
Newsies Meets Anime...Anime Meets Newsies...

Which Anne Rice Vampire are you?
by Tera
What Adjective Are You?
(by *Crazy Dannielle*)
The combination of answers you chose is.....
unique and different.
Perhaps you are just out of the ordinary!
LOL. Abnormal....o...kay.....^^