Got the top of my left ear pierced last Wednesday. nyehehehe. I have no idea what got into me. Well...I have to admit I've been wanting to get one for quite some time now, and a little nudge from my friend finally made me do it. -_- I can't wait for it to heal, so I can replace the simple stud with a more kakkoi earring or something like that...
Finally. Got to watch Kill Bill Volume One a while ago. ^_^ Very cool movie. Very cool indeed. A lot of blood and gore, cool sword fight scenes, a whole chapter done in Japanese-style animation, and lots of Japanese conversations. Man. All I can say is: can't wait for the next chapter.

ANIMAX!!! *squeals* Wai! I can't believe it's really here! Finally, the answer to every otaku's dream! I'll definitely watch Get Backers (Ban!), Ghost in the Shell, GTO, and Chobits! Hehehe, my brother here wants to watch Cyborg Kuro-chan (Karen-chan, I still have that theme song echoing in my head from time to time.) ^_^ Goodness...*checks the time*'s 1 am already. I won't be sleeping yet, but I better get offline now before my mom catches me again. Ja ne.