Minna-san...another imposter is yet again terrorizing other people's blogs and posting what-not in their taggies under other people's names...including mine. Pay no heed to them...just idiotic fiends that have nothing better to do and doesn't have any respect at all for other people. Taku. A total waste of good tagboard space I tell you...
Heps! Of course such a piteous thing like that won't let me down! *GENKI MODE* Sakura-chan slept over last Saturday...we spent the afternoon watching Rurouni Kenshin OAV 2 - Seisouhen. Everytime I watch it, it never fails to make me cry at the end, especially when Kaoru-dono welcomes Shinta home after a long time of separation amidst falling petals of cherry blossoms. Wai...
Sings: YAPPAPPA- YAPPAPPA- II SHAN TEN... Yay! Ranma! ^_^ I've never been this attached to the series before, I had to coerce my ickle brother to record it for me while I was at school slaving away with schoolwork. -_-
Wai! Wai! This is official art for the Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, CLAMP's new manga:

There are now very few sites dedicated to the manga...you can get some information from this site, and here as well. Syaoran looks kakkoi when he's older and wears...goggles? ^_^ And I don't see much of Sakura's genki spirit in her eyes from this pic. BTW, many characters from the many other works of CLAMP also make appearances. Mokona from Magic Knight Rayearth, Chii from Chobits, and Arashi & Sorata who are husband and wife... (yep, that's right. husband and wife. ^_^) who come from one of the many alternate universes in the manga. I'm very much looking forward to: seeing Touya wielding a sword against monstrous fiends from other dimensions. Heh-ra...